About Homepathy8

Roberto is considered one of the best known international teachers
He teaches homeopathy in Italy and abroad (Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Dubai, Germany, Hungary, India, England, Latvia, Morocco, Mexico, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA)
He is an extremely dynamic teacher and very often his seminars are regarded as ‘inspiring’, giving great inspiration and new ideas
President of the Milan CENTRE OF HOMEOPATHY and teaching director of the Milan CENTRE OF HOMEOPATHY
Co-director of the School of Homeopathic Medicine in Genoa
Speaker at 11 world congresses of homeopathy Speaker at 8 Italian congresses of FIAMO (Italian Federation of Homeopathic Associations and Doctors)
Lecturer in medical subjects at the “Postgraduate Course in Homeopathic Medicine” at the University of L’Aquila for the Academic Year 2004 – 2005
Lecturer at the University of Bologna’s 2nd Level Master Course in Homeopathic Medicine from 2010 to 2014.
Author of the book “Groups and themes” published in English, German, Spanish, Italian and TurkishAuthor of the book “Children” published in English, German, Italian, Romanian and Turkish
Author of the repertory ‘Children concepts’ published in Radar 9, 10 and Opus
Actively involved in the development of “8 ESSENTIALS” and “EKAP GPS” with Viktória Németh
Co-author of several books with Viktória Németh.
Director of the School – Training – Teaching Department of FIAMO from 2000 to 2005
Member of the FIAMO – SIMO register of qualified homeopaths and teachers
Consultations in Milan, Budapest, Genoa, Sarzana and online worldwide with Viktória Németh.

Viktória is a well-known Hungarian homeopath and international teacher Her seminars are fascinating and full of valuable suggestions
She teaches homeopathy in Italy and abroad (Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, USA)
Founder and president of MIHE (Magyar Integrative Homeopathic Association) from 2017 to 2019
Worked for 4 years in a pediatric clinic especially on acute cases.
Author of the book ‘Waterworld – Fish in Homeopathy’ published in English and German
This book contains a lot of information on medical matters and provings of 19 remedies derived from fish.
This is the first book published in homeopathy on the fish group; Viktória enters the dream world of water to find remedies for Alzheimer’s and autism, learning disorders, musculoskeletal problems, dermatological diseases, eating disorders and infertility
Actively involved in the development of ‘8 ESSENTIALS’ and ‘EKAP GPS’ with Roberto Petrucci.
Co-author of several books with Roberto Petrucci.
Consultations in Budapest, Milan and online worldwide with Roberto Petrucci