Roberto Petrucci and Viktória Németh

About Homepathy8

We are involving you into our understanding of homeopathy.
Homeopathy is easy and you can make it easy, too.

The Homeopathy 8 Essentials Method is a tool to shorten our route to a prescription and to find the right remedy from our huge selection of the materia medica.

The Homeopathy 8 Essentials Method gives the real essence of a remedy, or a group, or sub-group… that makes it more quickly and easily understandable and points out the key themes.

We are giving this tool to every homeopathic practitioner and teaching it worldwide to bring this easy homeopathy to your every day practice.

We are also turning the use of this method to our benefit and treat our patients in a more professional way.


Roberto Petrucci is very dynamic and well-known international teacher and his seminars are often considered as “inspiring”, giving inspiration and new ideas to even experienced homeopaths.

Teacher of Homeopathy in more than 20 different countries from Europa to America to Asia.
Author of the Paediatric RepertoryChildren concepts”.
Author of the book “Children: homeopathic materia medica with repertorial symptoms”.

Author of the book “Groups and themes” where he wrote 8 key themes for 172 groups.
The eight essential method easily let us understand the main topics of every group trying to give a deep shortcut in order to be able to find the right remedy from the biggest selection in the shorter time


Viktória Németh (Bodrogi) is a well known Hungarian homeopath. She worked for 4 years in a pediatrician clinic especially on acute cases. Founder and president of MIHE (Hungarian Integrative Homeopathic Association) from 2017 to 2019. She is an international teacher and her seminars are fascinating and full of golden tips. Author of the book “Waterworld – Fish in Homeopathy” published in English and in German (Wasserwelt – Fische in der Homöopathie). In this book she explores information and provings on 19 fish remedies in homeopathy. In the first published volume of the materia medica of the kingdom of Fish she enters the dreamy state of Waterworld to find remedies for Alzheimer’s and Autism, learning disorders, musculoskeletal diseases, skin and eating disorders, and fertility problems.